Clinical Supervisior
Scarborough, Maine
Meghan Darcy, LCSW, CCS has been practicing in the field of Eating Disorder Treatment since 2015, and the field of Substance Use Treatment since 2018. Blending these two fields together, Meghan has been the Eating Disorder Specialist and Clinical Supervisor for Crossroads of Maine since January 2021, specializing in co-occurring eating disorder and substance use disorder treatment across all levels of care. Prior to joining the team at Crossroads, Meghan worked for the Boston Public Health Commission, Bureau of Recovery Services in the Outpatient Men's and Women's programs, helping the city of Boston's most vulnerable residents access SUD treatment and provide both individual and group therapy. Meghan also has experience working extensively in the Eating Disorder field, and served as a team member for Monte Nido's Boston location throughout the continuum of care. Meghan has facilitated staff trainings at various Monte Nido locations and completed her graduate level internships with the VA Boston's REACH program, and Boston Public Health Commission's Transitions residential program. Meghan practices from a client-centered, trauma responsive and strengths based approach, utilizing an eclectic combination of skills based interventions and evidenced based practices to effectively treat co-occurring populations.
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185 - Exploring the Complexities of Substance Use and Eating Disorder Treatment
Friday, November 3, 2023
3:45 PM – 5:15 PM ET