Evolve Behavioral Health
Knoxville, Tennessee
George Massengill, BSSW, LADAC, has over 35 years of experience in the healthcare, information technology, and business financial industry. George has developed and led companies serving as CEO, Clinical Director, and VP positions in marketing, clinical, and business development for many national companies including The University of Tennessee, CRC Health / Acadia Health, Peninsula Health System, PMR Inc, Vendeall Health, AdvoCare, Bradford Health, and Paracelsus Health Care US operations. He has also achieved recognition at the local, state, and federal level for his efforts in improving the mental health care and addiction treatment systems. As a licensed clinician George has dedicated time addressing and problem solving the drug and alcohol epidemic within our country with explicit concentration on the economic and sociocultural challenges that encompass this issue. He currently serves as the founder and CEO of 4M Consulting Services Inc and serves on the board of directors for multiple agencies. He is a devoted father of four, avid outdoorsman, public speaker, and musician.
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326 - Looking Back & Stepping Forward: Innovative Engagement in the Tele-Behavioral-Health Era
Sunday, November 5, 2023
9:45 AM – 11:15 AM ET