Co-owner/Psychotherapist Mangrove Therapy Group Lake Worth Beach, Florida
Session Description: Historically, treatment for substance use disorders has focused primarily on the “user” or “identified patient” with little attention given to the family system. Seeing the opportunity for improved outcomes, treatment providers have increasingly shifted their resources to support the family. However, many of these programs rely primarily of psychoeducation and peer support. In many cases, recognizing and addressing the impact of trauma on the behavior and well-being of family members is a crucial component to recovery.
Families of individuals suffering from addiction often become traumatized by the chaos and distress of witnessing events such as overdoses, arrests, emotional outbursts, and extreme personality changes. These symptoms can manifest as classic post-traumatic stress symptoms and other mental health conditions. In addition, trauma experienced intergenerationally or in the context of the family member’s own childhood experiences can negatively impact how they parent or relate with others. The impact of these adverse experiences can create unintended barriers to a substance user’s recovery, often perpetuating the problem inadvertently.
This presentation will examine the role trauma plays on an addicted family system and how trauma-focused treatment provided directly to the family can create unique opportunities for recovery. Several common presentations will be illustrated through the use of case vignettes of actual clients. Participants will learn new strategies for working with difficult families including trauma-informed case conceptualization and the identification of relevant treatment targets.
Learning Objectives:
After this activity participants should be able to
describe of the role family trauma plays in the cycle of addictive disorders within the substance user’s system.
analyze through case examples of how a trauma-informed approach to treating the family can increase the likelihood for positive outcomes.
apply several strategies to assess for and treat post-traumatic stress related symptoms and reactions within the family system.